Tuesday 27 September 2016

The first passenger the train of the future on hydrogen

The first passenger the train of the future on hydrogen

The electric vehicles have a number of advantages over hydrogen counterparts, but environmentally friendly fuel are actively interested on the railroad. Already in 2017, in Germany, will begin to run the world’s first passenger train on hydrogen, developed by engineers of the French company Alstom. Lokomotiv Coradia iLint accelerates to 140 km / h and can travel on a full tank of 600 to 800 kilometers, while highlighting the only water and steam.
Coradia iLint will ride on non-electrified sections of routes, on which usually ply diesel trains. For more efficient flow of hydrogen fuel a manufacturer established lithium-ion batteries, which store the “extra” energy. Her can be used at any time, for example, for charging mobile gadgets passengers. The train of the future does not produce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and during movement the system produces much less noise than diesel. The illustrated model has 150 seats and is designed to transport 300 people.
Coradia iLint launch in North Germany in December 2017. Along with the purchase of environmentally friendly rail trains, operators will have to invest in the creation of a network of hydrogen filling stations.Future technology The first passenger the train of the future on hydrogen

Future technology The first passenger the train of the future on hydrogen Future technology The first passenger the train of the future on hydrogen Future technology The first passenger the train of the future on hydrogen

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