Warning Signs Mom and Dad Are Getting Old
Many adult children must face a changing reality and confront their own
anxiety and grief as their parents lose strength and independence. These
changes are often more prominent around holiday time, particularly for
adult children who live a distance from their parents. It's easy to
overreact when you haven’t seen your folks in a while and they appear
distracted, confused or frail.
How do you differentiate changes in behavior that are part of normal
aging vs. illness or decline? Holidays can provide an opportunity to
observe your parents and identify ways to help them live as safely and
independently as possible. In order to best care for your parents,
you must first know what to look for and recognize the warning signs
that your parents need help. Here are eight of the most telling signs...
1) Change in eating habits/weight loss
As people age they may lose interest in cooking, especially if they live
alone. My mom, who used to cook a four-course meal every night, is now
happy with a frozen dinner or take out. In addition, loss of taste or
diminished energy can affect appetite. Unexplained weight changes can
also be a sign of depression or illness. Understanding the cause of
weight and appetite fluctuations will help you determine whether there is cause for concern.
2) Out-of-the-ordinary forgetfulness
If your dad can’t find his glasses, you probably don’t need to worry.
But if he forgets that he wears glasses or gets lost on a familiar route
home, something more serious may be going on. Memory loss – the out of the ordinary kind – can be a warning sign.
3) Neglected personal hygiene and cleanliness
Your once fastidious mom now looks disheveled; the trash is piled up, or
there is rotting food in the fridge. Are the light bulbs out and the
grass overgrown? The home may not be safe due to poor lightning or fall
hazards. An inability to properly care for oneself and one’s home may be
a sign of health-related problems.
4) Decrease in socialization and activity level
Pay attention to your parent’s energy level and mobility. Is your
otherwise active mom more sedentary and passive? Does your dad seem
disinterested in activities that used to be part of his daily routine?
In addition, as people lose loved ones, such as a spouse or a close
friend, they can start to feel isolated or depressed. Ongoing engagement
with friends, family and community is particularly important for
emotional and physical well-being as people age.
5) Significant mood changes
Angry outbursts? Sullen withdrawn behavior? Or perhaps mom is just
feeling blue. Depression often goes unrecognized and untreated among
seniors who may be reluctant to reach out for help. Don’t attribute
uncharacteristic mood changes to old age. Observe your parents and ask
how they are feeling. Encourage mom or dad to seek medical help if there
are unexplained changes in their mood.
6) Difficulty driving
Are there dents on the car, a pattern of fender benders or increased
agitation and distraction while dad is behind the wheel? Unsafe driving
puts not only your parent at risk, but other drivers and pedestrians as
well. Many people limit driving as they age, such as avoiding highways
or driving at night. Taking the keys away
should be the last resort. If that becomes necessary, consider
alternative means of transportation so your parent does not become
7) Misuse of prescribed medications
Does your parent have a system of remembering to take their medication
each day? Have their prescriptions expired? Is mom or dad aware of
potential side effects and drug interactions? Misuse of prescribed
medicines may lead to deteriorating health and in some cases, a trip to
the emergency room.
8) Mishandling finances
Are there unpaid bills piling up? Did dad forget whether he paid the
taxes? Is mom struggling to understand where the money went? It may be
difficult to get a handle on your parent’s financial welfare,
particularly if they are tight-lipped about money. Losing the ability
to pay bills can be a sign of being overwhelmed or something more
serious, like dementia.
Observing unexpected changes with your parents can often lead to alarm.
Look for behavior that’s uncharacteristic and deviates from the norm.
Gathering information, as calmly and objectively as possible, is the
first step toward being an effective caregiver.
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